Top 8 Things to Learn About Pests and Its Infestation


There has been a significant amount of increase in the number of pests across the world. And we humans are responsible for the most part of it. The increase in the dumping areas for garbage calls for more number of rodents or rats, cockroaches, mosquitoes, worms, and other fatal insects and pests of different types.

This is becoming a growing concern for all of us and hence it is important that we collect as much knowledge as possible about pests and their infestation.

Pests Grow On Food

Hotels, restaurants, food marts, malls, home kitchens, office cafeterias, food factories, food warehouses and other places dealing with food or food consumption are facing an enormous pest infestation rate. The smell of food is a big attraction to pests and they start growing in numbers at places where food is stored or found.  

They Can Be Dangerous

Not all, but few pests can prove very dangerous to humans and pets too. The places they come from have fatal disease carrying viruses or bacteria. These easily get transmitted to your body through their bites, contaminated food or water. Few very dangerous diseases transmitted are Malaria, Chikungunya, Typhoid, Cholera, Jaundice, Dengue and others yet unknown.

They Contaminate Water and Food

You may have read multiple times that pests thrive on food and water. This contaminates all the food and water at your place if left open or unattended. Cockroaches, rodents, fleas, etc. breed on such open food and contaminate it for you to eat. Once you ingest such contaminated food or water, it would be seriously difficult for you to skip certain fatal diseases. 

Pests Carry Fatal Diseases

If you get bitten by an infected pest, there are higher chances for you of falling prone to some fatal diseases. Despite knowing the names, most of the diseases DO NOT have any cure. The only thing the doctors ask you to do is take a lot of precautions after taking antibiotics. The rest is in your hands to protect yourself from certain disease-carrying pests. 

Some Are Very Stubborn

Pests like rodents, cockroaches, fleas, squirrels, raccoons and mosquitoes are very stubborn, at times. No matter whatever you do to get rid of them, they are still at your place few days down the line. You need a professional advice to get rid of certain stubborn pests for a long time. It is only with a professional’s help you would be able to block them.

Pests Feed on Your Ill Habits

Ill habits include running water, untidy sink, unclean toilets, dirty hands, littering, preserving clutter, unclosed trash cans and any other that will allow the pests to breed or infest at your place. Leaving food or food leftovers in plates and keeping home disorganized ad more to the number of pests. 

If you really want to get rid of pests, you will need to get rid of these ill habits first. 

They Can Destroy Your Valuables

The most important valuable to you is your house. Now, just imagine the most expensive furniture in your house getting chewed by termites! Walls and ground all dug by rodents to make an entry passage to your place of living. Your most favorite artifacts getting destroyed by the invasion of pests at your property. 

All these are enough to cause property destruction on a massive scale.

They Disrupt Your Sleep

How can you sleep in a bed that has bugs hidden in it! After a long day’s work, sleep becomes the most essential part of life. However, if there are pests that disturb your sleep with their scratching noises and biting then you need to take a call immediately. Else, lack of sleep disturbs your peace of mind and makes you quite irritable. All you need to do is check certain pest control sites such as to call for professionals for dealing with pests.