How To Run Your Jasmine Automation Testing Scripts With Selenium?


In software development, ensuring the reliability and functionality of web applications is paramount. This is where automation testing tools like Selenium come into play, offering a systematic way to conduct comprehensive testing. Jasmine, on the other hand, is a popular behavior-driven development framework for writing JavaScript unit tests. When combined, Jasmine and Selenium provide a powerful solution for automating the testing process of web applications. By utilizing Jasmine’s expressive syntax for structuring tests and Selenium’s robust capabilities for interacting with web elements, developers and QA professionals can efficiently create, manage, and execute automation testing scripts. 

In this article, we will explore the process of seamlessly integrating Jasmine automation testing scripts with the Selenium automation tool to achieve thorough and reliable web application testing.

Steps To Run Your Jasmine Automation Testing Scripts With Selenium

Running Jasmine automation testing scripts with Selenium involves several steps to set up and execute your tests. Here’s a breakdown of each step for your understanding:

Environment Setup

First, ensure you have Node.js and npm installed. You can check their versions by running ‘node -v’ and ‘npm -v’ in the command line. If they’re not installed, download and install them from the official Node.js website. Next, choose a code editor like Visual Studio Code and install it. This will provide a comfortable environment for writing your code.

Project Setup

Create a special folder for your testing project on your computer; let’s call it “AutomationProject”. This folder will hold everything related to your tests. Once you’ve done that, open your computer’s command line (like the Terminal on Mac or Command Prompt on Windows) and navigate to your project folder using simple commands.


   cd Desktop/AutomationProject


Install Dependencies

To work with Jasmine and Selenium, you need to install dependencies. You can do this using npm. For Jasmine, you’ll either install it globally (which means it’s available across all projects) or locally (only for your current project). On the other hand, Selenium WebDriver is a package that lets you control web browsers. You’ll need this to automate browser actions. Here is how to install Jasmine and Selenium WebDriver packages using npm:


   npm install -g jasmine         # Install Jasmine globally

   npm install –save-dev jasmine # Install Jasmine locally

   npm install –save-dev selenium-webdriver


Write Jasmine Tests

Inside your project folder, create a new folder called ‘spec’. This is where you’ll keep your test scripts. Each test script will be a separate file, and you should give them meaningful names like ‘homepageTest.js’. In these files, you’ll write your test cases using Jasmine’s special language that is designed to be easy to read and write. Open this file with your code editor and write a simple Jasmine test like `exampleSpec.js`:


   describe(‘My First Jasmine Test’, () => {

     it(‘should check if 2 + 2 equals 4’, () => {

       expect(2 + 2).toBe(4);




Configure Selenium

Selenium is the tool that will make your tests interact with web browsers. You need to connect it to your test scripts. This is done by importing specific parts of Selenium called classes into your test script files. These classes contain functions that control browsers, like clicking buttons or entering text.

Write Test Code

Now comes the exciting part—writing your test cases! Using the imported Selenium classes, you can tell your script to open a web browser, go to a website, interact with different elements, and even check if things are working as expected. For instance, you can tell the script to type something into a search box and press Enter, and then wait until the page changes.

For instance, in the same `exampleSpec.js` file, import Selenium WebDriver and create a simple test that interacts with a web browser:


   const { Builder, By, Key, until } = require(‘selenium-webdriver’);

   const driver = new Builder().forBrowser(‘chrome’).build();

   describe(‘Selenium Test’, () => {

     it(‘should open Google and perform a search’, async () => {

       await driver.get(‘’);

       const searchBox = driver.findElement(‘q’));

       await searchBox.sendKeys(‘Selenium WebDriver’, Key.RETURN);

       await driver.wait(until.titleContains(‘Selenium WebDriver’), 5000);


     afterAll(async () => {

       await driver.quit();




Run Tests

With your test scripts ready, you can run them to see if everything works. Open your command line, navigate to your project folder (remember the command?), and simply type ‘jasmine’. Jasmine will then go through your test scripts one by one and show you whether they pass or fail.

View Test Results

When you execute your Jasmine tests using the ‘jasmine’ command in the terminal, Jasmine provides a detailed output that helps you understand the status of your test suite and individual test cases. Here’s a breakdown of what you might see:

Test Suite Description: Jasmine starts by displaying the description of the test suite defined using the ‘describe’ function. This description is typically a human-readable label that provides context about the group of test cases being run. 

Test Case Descriptions: For each test case defined using the ‘it’ function within the ‘describe’ block, Jasmine displays the test case description. This description explains what specific behavior or functionality is being tested in that particular test case.

Test Results: As Jasmine executes each test case, it provides clear indicators of whether the test case passed or failed. These indicators include:

  • A green checkmark next to a test case description indicates that the test case passed successfully.
  • A red “x” next to a test case description indicates that the test case failed.

Error Messages: If a test case fails, Jasmine provides detailed error messages that help you understand why the test case failed. This information includes the expected and actual values or conditions that caused the failure.

Summary: Once all test cases in the test suite have been executed, Jasmine provides a summary that includes the total number of test cases run, the number of passing tests, and the number of failing tests.

Continuous Integration (Optional)

If you’re working on a big project with a team or you want your tests to run automatically every time you change something, you can set up Continuous Integration. This means that your tests will be run by a special system whenever there’s a change in your code. This helps catch issues early and keeps your project stable.

Remember, each step builds on the previous one, so take your time to understand each part before moving forward. 

Best Practices To Run Your Jasmine Automation Testing Scripts With Selenium

Running Jasmine automation testing scripts with Selenium involves several best practices to ensure smooth and effective testing. Here’s a comprehensive guide to these practices:

Project Structure: Organizing your project effectively is crucial for maintaining clarity and manageability as your test suite grows. To achieve this, you should structure your project into distinct directories that serve specific purposes. This structured approach not only helps you find and manage your files easily but also encourages best practices for code organization.

Start by creating a main project directory. Within this directory, establish subdirectories like “specs” and “helpers.” The “specs” directory is where you’ll keep your actual test scripts. Each test script corresponds to a specific feature or functionality that you want to test. For instance, you could create a file named “loginSpec.js” within the “specs” directory to contain all your login-related tests.

The “helpers” directory is dedicated to utility functions and modules that are meant to assist your test scripts. These can include custom functions for repetitive tasks, configuration settings, and even mock data. Keeping these separate from your test scripts enhances maintainability, as you can make changes or updates without affecting the core test logic. For example, if you’re interacting with APIs, you might create an “apiHelpers.js” file within the “helpers” directory.

Page Object Model (POM): The Page Object Model (POM) is a design pattern that offers a structured and efficient approach to building maintainable and scalable test automation frameworks. It revolves around the concept of encapsulating UI elements and their interactions within separate classes. By doing so, the POM promotes modularity, reusability, and ease of maintenance in your automation codebase.

To implement the Page Object Model, you create distinct classes, each corresponding to a specific page or component of your application. These classes serve as a blueprint for that particular page’s behavior, encapsulating the interactions, elements, and related logic. For example, if you have a login page, you would create a “LoginPage” class to encapsulate all actions and elements associated with the login process.

By maintaining a page object model, you achieve several benefits. First, it makes your test scripts more concise and focused on high-level actions rather than low-level details. Second, any changes to the UI—such as element IDs, locators, or attributes—only need to be updated within the relevant Page class, reducing the impact of changes on your tests. Third, the POM enhances collaboration among team members since they can easily understand and contribute to the project’s structure.

Logging And Debugging: Implementing logging mechanisms allows you to capture relevant information during test execution. This information includes details about the actions performed, the state of the application, and any errors encountered. By incorporating logging statements strategically throughout your code, you create a record of the test’s journey, making it easier to identify where things went wrong and why.

For instance, you can use logging to track when a page is loaded, when interactions occur, and when data is submitted. Depending on your framework and language, you might utilize built-in logging libraries or simply print messages to the console. Including timestamps in your log entries helps you track the sequence of events.

On the other hand, debugging techniques help identify and rectify issues within your code. Browser developer tools can be invaluable for diagnosing problems related to UI interactions and rendering. You can use these tools to inspect HTML elements, examine network traffic, and debug JavaScript code. To debug test scripts, you can set breakpoints in your code. A breakpoint pauses the execution at a specific line, allowing you to inspect variables, step through the code, and observe the program’s behavior at that point. Most integrated development environments (IDEs) provide built-in debugging tools that make this process straightforward.


Undoubtedly, harnessing the power of Jasmine in conjunction with Selenium offers significant advantages. However, integrating Jasmine with Selenium for your automation testing needs can be made even more powerful with the incorporation of LambdaTest. Because when you add LambdaTest into the mix, you not only get the behaviour-driven framework of Jasmine and the browser automation capabilities of Selenium, but you also gain the ability to test your application in a real-world environment across thousands of browser-OS combinations. LambdaTest is an AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform to run manual and automated tests at scale. The platform allows you to perform both real-time and automation testing across 3000+ environments and real mobile devices.